The All Seeing, All Dancing: BUMSEN!!!

Saturday, June 18


well, i havent slept now for bout 48 hours roughly... i cant think straight, my vision is horrible, and i dont feel good all over... im thinking bout taking a trip to the hospital cuz in that time period, bout 15 Trazedone havent not helped a but... iahev the icky feleling... wow , ifm starting to lnot evem ntotype goods nomore... this defficiency is doin g more thna what drugs have evr dun, but htsi is nt li ke a gog good trip,,, nonononono, htis is like sa bad one... i feel tired, but i layed in bed since like 2 am some time round thereish i thinkjl like yah... mes gona go mkaw somes s coffeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee......

byes byues eveyrgbvfvbosy

Oh naheyah an my bfay is in like damnit, i forgots when it was to be... something imn teh 20's i thinlk, but everyomne dont not clelbrate its, its horrible, alwyas gifihgting.... i gotta tog o gret ms soeme fcoffeee...